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Thread: When mainstream invades......

  1. #1
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default When mainstream invades......

    Do you guys get pissed when, something you've "been into" or done your whole life or way before it was cool ,becomes mainstream and everybody thinks they suddenly do it too.......then treat you like shit.....

    ok, i know that doesn't alot of since,so use an example, i'was litterally born into hot rodding(i was brought from the delivery room in the rumble seat of a '36 3 window.......been doing it my whole life,it really IS my life...

    so over the last couple of years,we've all seen the "hobby" get popular,with shit like jesse james,and all that discovery channel shit......well i was always but not too much becuse those were all dumb-ass $1,000,000 "hot rods" with no original parts..
    BUT now there the trend is slowly starting to get to my/our domain with REAL hot rods,flat black, cheap,broken down, rods.....that you build from real parts,ect...........

    so this is really pissing me off then i hear that damn jesse james show is doing a whole show to build a "rat rod"..........

    soo the result of all this is a billion kids/rednecks/adults sre going to, and have been over the last few years invading our culture, with their typicall"i say what im saying on monster garage" and they treat you like shit,absolute SHIT, for god knows what reason

    so hopefully i've bored you enough to understand what i mean,

    i know this happens alot lately with alot of cultures, so does it piss you off.........

  2. #2
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Makes me beserk. But what do you do? You don't want to abandon what you love, but it becomes polluted once it is co-opted and mainstreamed and the very place you were most at home seems to become a hostile environment. I think trendies are hostile to people who are old skool because the very existence of the old guard demonstrates that some people are johnny-come-latelies.

  3. #3
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    I usually just find ways to rebel from the goats.


  4. #4
    23*'s Avatar Stranger than fiction
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    yeh...when you've been listening to a band for years & years and suddenly they become popular again so you can't wear the tshirt because everyone else is wearing one too.

    i just say fuck it. don't change yourself or what you're doing.

    nirvana tshirts still rock though!.

  5. #5
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    now i'm even more frustrated, Fuckin' Agnostic Front played on that goddamn show,man, the worlds going to end i swear.........

  6. #6
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    i also think all these shows are prety lame i got into hot roding in a diferent way than killer kat tho i originaly started with low riding cause thats prety much what i grew up with the trouble with lowriders is that theyr not the fastest cars and since i got my licence i i liked driving fast so instead of putting small 13 in rims and hydraulics on my old crown vic (may she rest in piece) i taught myself more about the engine and worked on it to make it faster. but all these shows are realy ruining things cause lately i fit into the rockabilly "mold" cause i drive a fast vintage car but realy i dont know much if theres anything i hate is being the stereotypical anything. ive only started teaching myself from books and magazines cause i took wood shop intead of auto shop in highschool and my dad never realy knew shit to teach me

  7. #7
    CarnalxKiss's Avatar Carnal Love Goddess
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Quote Originally Posted by KilLAtomiK
    i also think all these shows are prety lame i got into hot roding in a diferent way than killer kat tho i originaly started with low riding cause thats prety much what i grew up with the trouble with lowriders is that theyr not the fastest cars and since i got my licence i i liked driving fast so instead of putting small 13 in rims and hydraulics on my old crown vic (may she rest in piece) i taught myself more about the engine and worked on it to make it faster. but all these shows are realy ruining things cause lately i fit into the rockabilly "mold" cause i drive a fast vintage car but realy i dont know much ive only started teaching myself from books and magazines cause i took wood shop intead of auto shop in highschool and my dad never realy knew shit to teach me

    Yup! I've collected fairies for 2 decades..used to be hard to find any cool fairies....that was what was so fun and rewarding about the collection i have made...now they are everywhere and everyone loves them....grr so much for trying ot be original

    by the way....angels have feathers..fairies have wings...heh

  8. #8
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Quote Originally Posted by KilLAtomiK
    i also think all these shows are prety lame i got into hot roding in a diferent way than killer kat tho i originaly started with low riding cause thats prety much what i grew up with the trouble with lowriders is that theyr not the fastest cars and since i got my licence i i liked driving fast so instead of putting small 13 in rims and hydraulics on my old crown vic (may she rest in piece) i taught myself more about the engine and worked on it to make it faster. but all these shows are realy ruining things cause lately i fit into the rockabilly "mold" cause i drive a fast vintage car but realy i dont know much ive only started teaching myself from books and magazines cause i took wood shop intead of auto shop in highschool and my dad never realy knew shit to teach me

    and the worst part is is you go out to any swap meets or shows,shindigs any of that your likely to meet two things,kids/people that treat you like fucking dirt ,(those are the people amelia called the trendies) or you might meet the old bunch(myself included) that will probally shun you until you show you really want to learn somthing........many of them ,including me, fell threatned to the point that we know longer have that ,"come on boymwhat ya wanna learn" mentality.........

    it's pretty sad it's gotta be like that,almost like we have to defend our culture...........

  9. #9
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    yeah i usualy get the stupid guys who think they know more than i do but they realy dont or those guys that realy do know more but act al stuck up about it

  10. #10
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Quote Originally Posted by KilLAtomiK
    yeah i usualy get the stupid guys who think they know more than i do but they realy dont or those guys that realy do know more but act al stuck up about it

    sorry,but that's like the only defence, is to treat them ,not as bad, but just kinda ignore them unless they can really prove there interested, which is rarely the case........if you really put forth the effort to show them "hey, i wann learn,please" then usally ,hopefully, there'll help you out at least somewhat, if not i'm sorry there is always assholes,but don't take them as a representitive of the culture,most are REALLY good people,that will help you as much as they can.............

    much of what i learned i picked up from old rodders at swapmeets acroos the south, they are the best,if you treat them with respect,they'll always lend a hand(if they have one,haha), some of the nicest ,best people i've ever meet.....they tell how it was back in the REAL roddin' days........nothing better than that.......

  11. #11
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Meh...it's all bullshit really. Being non-mainstream and mainstream is nothing to get all pissed off about. It's attention...that's it. It rises and falls as trends come and go. This current trend is actually the most shallow given that MUCH of it involves people who already had an interest in this. I love American Chopper but do I want to buy a bike or build one? Nope. Am I a fan now of the whole chopper thing? Yeah...I find it more interesting now and have respect for it. People forget THAT happens when things hit the mainstream. Not everyone is tapped into every sub culture, scene, or hobby world. Being exposed to new things is not exactly a bad thing...why the hardliners never understand this is beyond me.

    What do you want, the SAME people doing the SAME things or new blood coming in?

    For the record this "Treating you like shit" part is a double edged sword cause the elitest pricks who want their lil world to stay the same act like dicks to new people and the people complaining THEY are treated badly by the new influx of people tend to be treated as such because:

    A. They were never all that good at the hobby they claimed to be a part of.


    B. They are expecting WAY too much respect right off the bat from people who have zero clue who they are.


    C. They are expecting a type of "earned coolness" for being into something before everyone else was. That's just silly and immature.

    If you are deeply into something then it shouldn't matter WHO comes aboard or how trendy it gets. If it's in your blood it's in your blood.

    The Discovery Channel clued the world into something unique to U.S. Pop Culture...we all KNEW about it but never to the extent that it's been shown. As such I can see why old hats may be pissed at all this but to go so far as to trash the people ON the shows...is mindnumbing. ALL were doing what they do WELL before the camera's started rolling and in the case of OCC it has helped them grow and hire MORE people who have bike building in their blood to do it for a living.

    So sorry...bitch and moan all you want about the influx of the mainstream but since when has hot rodding or bike building been underground? NEVER. It has always been a part of the mainstream...only diffrence now is that it has a TV show focused on it on a cable channel. That's it.

    It's like when the Street Racing scene bitched about The Fast and The Furious...I mean who could take that seriously when street racing has been in more movies for a longer period than nearly every import car on the market?

    Their seems to be a limited viewpoint on what makes a hobby or scene what it is by too many of the "old guard". They kinda forget that at one point, even if they were born into it, they were new to it.

    Besides...when soemthing is not popular people bitch that is should be and when it is they bitch that it shouldn't...no one seems to be happy with the state of something except those who ignore all that shit and just enjoy their hobby or scene.

  12. #12
    Amelia G's Avatar chick in charge
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    I think there is the perhaps quaint notion that people should be into things because they are actually into them and then interests and hobbies can be a point of true commonality.

  13. #13
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    sorry Tequila that was a great answer,but i think it was waaay to in-depth,i don't really hate these people, they just bug the shit outta me......

    there's alot of generalization going on that answer Tequila.......i see your point ,but it's not all like that.....most of the guys i know, are really treated bad, there not looking to be cool or whatever, it's just damn you know there is a common goodness/respect you give everybody..........

    another big thing about us not bieng very accepting is that these, new mostly asshole kids will come in tell all this shit that's wrong to your face,and they try to change the whole thing........it's just REALLY irritating,not to the point of hatred ,i don't think.........

    hmmmmmm, well nothing is going into words very good here,sorry about that......

  14. #14
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Quote Originally Posted by AmeliaG
    I think there is the perhaps quaint notion that people should be into things because they are actually into them and then interests and hobbies can be a point of true commonality.
    Too true...that's a bit of a problem since it locks people into one thing or a set of things. Maybe it's just me though...but I'd much rather have a variety of intrests than just one.

  15. #15
    Hula Hoop Supervisor
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat

    another big thing about us not bieng very accepting is that these, new mostly asshole kids will come in tell all this shit that's wrong to your face,and they try to change the whole thing........it's just REALLY irritating,not to the point of hatred ,i don't think.........

    Kids always do that though...it's up to those in charge to reign em in and tell them what's what...with force if need be. That's the job of the older set.

  16. #16
    KilLAtomiK's Avatar Ceci n'est pas une pirate
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Quote Originally Posted by killerkat

    another big thing about us not bieng very accepting is that these, new mostly asshole kids will come in tell all this shit that's wrong to your face,and they try to change the whole thing........it's just REALLY irritating,not to the point of hatred ,i don't think.........
    yeah thats the main problem like kat said if you show real interest ul be cool i got people who help me out with stuff i dont understand and they were a bit hostile at first they just neded to get to know me

  17. #17
    Drakken's Avatar Self Proclaimed Deity
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    When I was younger we didn't have a great deal of money. Most of my clothes and showes wer e'hand-me-downs' and thrift store junk. Old converse shoes, plaid pants and old dress shirts/sweaters. Kids made fun of my brother and I and would even physically beat us for being 'scrubby.'

    NOW people pay something like $80 for shoes we were ridiculed for wearing, EVERY TRENDY KID raids thriftstores for 'nifty' clothes, which we were given as a last resort before the donators threw them out. Sweet Irony.

  18. #18
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Life is brutually Ironic thses days...I thinkt's because life has become so mediocre. There is very little that is truly NEW or Revoloutionairy in ideas or creativity. Everyone has Tattoos and everyone is "punk rawk man!!!!" I dunno if I want to get into a whole physco/ social analysis of it all there are some darn sharp smart cookies on here and I am sure we could really open up a good can of worms....in a positive way. As for the whole mainstream counterculture thing.....just do your thing bring it from the heart to the metal or the paper or the camera or the typewritter. TO THEY KNOWNS SELF BE TRUE and always stay that way....even that'sa cliche...how about walk the walk? nah....uh oh just do it? or fer fcuks akes I dunno whatn to say everydam honest responns is trendy now....but what matters if you you follow it to the word...

  19. #19

    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    This kinda puts a lot of people into a no win situation. If they don't like the off beat stuff they are looked down upon for not looking outside their little world, but when they do try the off beat stuff they are trendies who are fucking up the counter culture.

    People don't know if they like something until they are exposed to it. For most people they aren't exposed to it until it is mainstream, that is why it is called mainstream. Sure you get exposed to more asshole, but that is because you get exposed to more people. There were always assholes, posers and whathaveyous in the scene, what ever scene you are dicussing. It's just more people means more assholes. Some of today's trendies are tommorow's old school and no scene is immune to the jerks no matter how obscure it is.

    And never try to be original, kinda defeats the whole point.

  20. #20
    23*'s Avatar Stranger than fiction
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Quote Originally Posted by Tequila Zaire
    Meh...it's all bullshit really. Being non-mainstream and mainstream is nothing to get all pissed off about. It's attention...that's it. It rises and falls as trends come and go. This current trend is actually the most shallow given that MUCH of it involves people who already had an interest in this. I love American Chopper but do I want to buy a bike or build one? Nope. Am I a fan now of the whole chopper thing? Yeah...I find it more interesting now and have respect for it. People forget THAT happens when things hit the mainstream. Not everyone is tapped into every sub culture, scene, or hobby world. Being exposed to new things is not exactly a bad thing...why the hardliners never understand this is beyond me.

    What do you want, the SAME people doing the SAME things or new blood coming in?

    For the record this "Treating you like shit" part is a double edged sword cause the elitest pricks who want their lil world to stay the same act like dicks to new people and the people complaining THEY are treated badly by the new influx of people tend to be treated as such because:

    A. They were never all that good at the hobby they claimed to be a part of.


    B. They are expecting WAY too much respect right off the bat from people who have zero clue who they are.


    C. They are expecting a type of "earned coolness" for being into something before everyone else was. That's just silly and immature.

    If you are deeply into something then it shouldn't matter WHO comes aboard or how trendy it gets. If it's in your blood it's in your blood.

    The Discovery Channel clued the world into something unique to U.S. Pop Culture...we all KNEW about it but never to the extent that it's been shown. As such I can see why old hats may be pissed at all this but to go so far as to trash the people ON the shows...is mindnumbing. ALL were doing what they do WELL before the camera's started rolling and in the case of OCC it has helped them grow and hire MORE people who have bike building in their blood to do it for a living.

    So sorry...bitch and moan all you want about the influx of the mainstream but since when has hot rodding or bike building been underground? NEVER. It has always been a part of the mainstream...only diffrence now is that it has a TV show focused on it on a cable channel. That's it.

    It's like when the Street Racing scene bitched about The Fast and The Furious...I mean who could take that seriously when street racing has been in more movies for a longer period than nearly every import car on the market?

    Their seems to be a limited viewpoint on what makes a hobby or scene what it is by too many of the "old guard". They kinda forget that at one point, even if they were born into it, they were new to it.

    Besides...when soemthing is not popular people bitch that is should be and when it is they bitch that it shouldn't...no one seems to be happy with the state of something except those who ignore all that shit and just enjoy their hobby or scene.
    how did you get so fucking sensible?? i could read this stuff all day..

  21. #21
    Ellis's Avatar Kuwabara Kuwabara
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......


    You like something.
    People make fun of you for it.
    It gets popular.
    You cry.
    You wonder if you should stop liking it.
    It is still popular.
    You decide that even popularity cant stop you from loving it.
    Popularity declines.
    You still love it.
    Back to people making fun of you for it again... exactly what you wanted

    Everything is cyclical. Just wait it out. Soon enough Gogol BOrdello will be really big and Ill forget this rule, going berserk... anyone who wants to post a hefty bail for me after that will be my best friend.

  22. #22
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Quote Originally Posted by Ellis

    You like something.
    People make fun of you for it.
    It gets popular.
    You cry.
    You wonder if you should stop liking it.
    It is still popular.
    You decide that even popularity cant stop you from loving it.
    Popularity declines.
    You still love it.
    Back to people making fun of you for it again... exactly what you wanted

    Everything is cyclical. Just wait it out. Soon enough Gogol BOrdello will be really big and Ill forget this rule, going berserk... anyone who wants to post a hefty bail for me after that will be my best friend.
    I LOVE Gogol Bordello. Saw em up in Cambridge,Mass. Have all their albums. I wouldn't care if they got popular, except that then they wouldn't play small venues. We hung out with em after the show, one of em speaks Ukrainian


  23. #23

    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    If you're into something, all that should matter is that you get to be involved with it. As long as the faddists don't prevent you from having your fun, ignore them, and they'll soon gravitate to the next flavor of the moment. If they do prevent your fun, beat them senseless with landscaping implements.

    "If you're not now, you never were." --Mike Muir

  24. #24
    Ellis's Avatar Kuwabara Kuwabara
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Gogol has the best live show in the world... My god. Ive caught them at the Middle East, in boston, but I think they were banned from playing there the last time I went because during Baro Foro, Hutz ripped up one of the moniters off the stage and threw it into the crowd... The club cut them off at that point...

    Have you heard and J.U.F.? Its Kind of a side project with Muskat. Mostly dance-type music, but it has the Ukranian/Ramanian twist to it, and it drives me up the wall... This band is one of those things I really get waaaaay too excited about. Their concert is a life changing experience and I fully encourage anyone looking for a guaranteed good show to catch them at any time possible. I almost quit my job to see them the last time :P.

  25. #25
    Morning Glory's Avatar Apathetic Voter
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    don't hate agnostic front because they were on a tc show.. hate them because they are "proud" of a retarded subculture that they don't even understand that revolves around hair style, clothing style, violence and alchohol. wow, what a thing to be proud of. how unique. I wish I was a skinhead.

  26. #26
    killerkat's Avatar Malice?
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Quote Originally Posted by Morning Glory
    don't hate agnostic front because they were on a tc show.. hate them because they are "proud" of a retarded subculture that they don't even understand that revolves around hair style, clothing style, violence and alchohol. wow, what a thing to be proud of. how unique. I wish I was a skinhead.
    yea, good point.........but i do kinda enjoy some of ther older stuff,the new seems to be kinda sounds like explioted,that whole metal/punk thing.........not a big fan of that...........i'f i'm gonna listen to punk i'm gonna listen to real punk,like T.s.o.l and the whatnot.......

  27. #27
    TheDeathKnight's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    People are easily bored.
    It is really common for them to seek out something new, cool, and fun.
    So if you are into something cool, or fun, or interesting, eventually people will get into it.
    And if they are true fans, they will be exposed to things, and love it, and stick with it.
    But the people who are just doing it to be cool, will fade.

    My mom's ex got into Harleys, when they first got popular.
    He was the typical executive type, who paid for his custom bike.
    He did not build it himself, and he did not have a long history
    of being a biker. But he got into the hobby, and rode a lot.

    But now, 10 years later, his bike sits in his garage,
    hardly ever riden... Eventually he will sell it.

    People who are truly into something will stick with it.
    People who are just trying to be cool, will fade away.

  28. #28
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Quote Originally Posted by Ellis
    Gogol has the best live show in the world... My god. Ive caught them at the Middle East, in boston, but I think they were banned from playing there the last time I went because during Baro Foro, Hutz ripped up one of the moniters off the stage and threw it into the crowd... The club cut them off at that point...

    Have you heard and J.U.F.? Its Kind of a side project with Muskat. Mostly dance-type music, but it has the Ukranian/Ramanian twist to it, and it drives me up the wall... This band is one of those things I really get waaaaay too excited about. Their concert is a life changing experience and I fully encourage anyone looking for a guaranteed good show to catch them at any time possible. I almost quit my job to see them the last time :P.
    They are amazing! They were definitely influenced by the roma shows in Eastern Europe. I saw them at the Middle East in Cambridge, may have been at the same show. If I'm back in New England in the next couple years, perhaps we could meet up at a Gogol show


  29. #29
    Ellis's Avatar Kuwabara Kuwabara
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Very perhaps. I go to every Gogol show in the area. I will be the person dancing like a madman, most likely shirtless, and having a good time.... Oh shit, that sums up just about everyone there... :-P
    Seriously, however, I love meeting people. Meeting them at a Gogol show is just that much cooler.

  30. #30
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: When mainstream invades......

    Quote Originally Posted by Ellis
    Very perhaps. I go to every Gogol show in the area. I will be the person dancing like a madman, most likely shirtless, and having a good time.... Oh shit, that sums up just about everyone there... :-P
    Seriously, however, I love meeting people. Meeting them at a Gogol show is just that much cooler.
    Sounds good. I'll probably be up in Cambridge in '06 if not sooner


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