If you have ever been to one of those nights where you are given a sticker to wear depending on how ‘up for it’ you are, you will be fully aware of how much easier it is to guess what is going through the head of the girl you’re talking to. At these nights, everyone knows what everyone else wants, and there is little wasted effort spent hounding women you have absolutely no chance with.
So would it not be great if this ability to tell what was going through female heads continued beyond these nights? Well, while there will never be anything as effective as a sticker that has ‘Up For It’ emblazoned in massive font, there are still ways to tell if she is single and (/or) up for it.
Obviously, a single woman will be flaunting her solo status at places like bars and clubs rather than at the office or at a café. So if you notice her talking to a lot of different guys, this is a dead give away that not only is she single, but ‘on the prowl’ as they say. If she perhaps only speaks to one or two guys, they might just be the friends she came with, so watch her, and if she hits the four or five guy counter she is definitely looking for something, and it is at this point that you should go up and introduce yourself.
If you do notice her talking to lots of different guys, there is every possibility that she is single, but does that mean she will be interested in you? Quite possibly, but what would ensure that she is even more is if she keeps looking at you. Eye contact can mean a lot, even if it accompanied by a blank facial expression. A smile is often a better sign, but eye contact is the main thing. Prolonged eye contact, or multiple short instances should be enough of an indicator for you to go running to her side and offering to buy her a drink.
However, even if none of the above happen, simply going and talking to her will reveal very quickly whether she is single or not. Any interest in you whatsoever will imply that she is single. Of course, you could ensure yourself the company of a stunning female for the evening without have to chase potentially single women around by hiring stunning London escorts instead!