Well to start things off hes ok i only cut him a bit, So my brother is 13 and still home from summer vacation so he stays up late watching TV, Last night as i was about to lie down for bed i heard my dogs barking and the door to the back of the house opening from the outside. LIving in a bad side of town i figured something was up so i picked up a sword i keep under my bed and decided o go see what was goin on. sure enough there in the den i see a human shadow moving about without thinking about it i grazed him with it and he screams. Once he screamed i knew who it was so i was like oh shit and looked for the light switch. i didint cut him to bad but still its gona leave a mark on his arm i bandaged him up and sent him to bed. Aparently he for got to feed the dogs and thats what he was doing at 2:00 am