I suck at introducing myself but I'll give it a try.
I'm GoneSavage, and if you can figure out where my name came from I'll give you a massage (and I am a good masseuse). However you'll have to come to California for it.
I am playful, shy, cynical, sarcastic, and hard to know in person but easy to get to know online.
I don't act like a typical mainstream girl.
I have a livejournal under this name, but I don't put everything on there.
I love naked hot tubbing, burning man, costumes, and having as good a time as life will allow.
I am a scorpio, whatever that means. (Most people say "AHH..." with a wicked gleam in their eye, but I'm not sure what they're thinking and they don't usually tell me. But they say I am a great example of a scorpio.)
Oh, and I am a closet romantic
Pleased to meet you all!