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Thread: Do you like watching people speak?

  1. #1
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Do you like watching people speak?

    I'm watching a documentary about hip hop and I'm reminded of how much I love a great public speaker.

    So far in my life one of the best hands down was KRS-One. That man has a passion and gift for language that is amazing in person.

    Who are your favorite public speakers?

    Do you dabble in public speaking?

  2. #2
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Do you like watching people speak?

    There aren't many great orators these days. I loved rhetoric classes in college. I have done a little bit of public speaking. Best I've seen would be Martin Luther King Jr. and Ronald Reagan.

    Jackie T

  3. #3
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Do you like watching people speak?

    Mmm historically speaking my favorites are Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X after he returned from Mecca, Nelson Mandela and oddly this very random guy I watched speak about math. He was amazing and I can't really recall his name.

    What kind of public speaking have you done?

    I did quite a bit when I was younger, not so much the last 6 years or so.

  4. #4
    One Eyed Cat's Avatar Senior Member
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    Default Re: Do you like watching people speak?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nudemuse
    Mmm historically speaking my favorites are Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X after he returned from Mecca, Nelson Mandela and oddly this very random guy I watched speak about math. He was amazing and I can't really recall his name.

    What kind of public speaking have you done?

    I did quite a bit when I was younger, not so much the last 6 years or so.
    Mostly just in school. We had various forums and debates both in area studies and law school. I've never spoken before more than a couple hundred folks to date. It would have to be a fairly important issue for me to do so. Need to work on the diction a bit. I enjoyed it though.

    Jackie T

  5. #5
    Nudemuse's Avatar Queen of all Fatassia.
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    Default Re: Do you like watching people speak?

    That's pretty much how I started was in school. Then I started speaking at community meetings, school board meetings. Then later on I spoke to smallish groups as a peer sex educator, I did a little advocating in the State Capital etc.

  6. #6
    VoltaireBlue's Avatar just is
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    Default Re: Do you like watching people speak?

    not really; I can sleep at home for free.....

  7. #7
    Evilbink's Avatar Sanctimonious Satyr
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    Default Re: Do you like watching people speak?

    I gotta say, watching ppl speak sounds as fun as watching metal rust. But a sexy set of lips all painted up can hold my attention even if they are reciting the telephone book.

  8. #8
    dead_but_twitching's Avatar Member
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    Default Re: Do you like watching people speak?

    ..... i don't really have a public speaker favorite... although i could probably hear the speech charlie chaplin made in "the dictator" on and on for hours

  9. #9
    Mindgames's Avatar A guy who makes girls
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    Default Re: Do you like watching people speak?

    It's entirely down to the person and what their motives are - I flat-out refuse to sit and listen to someone trying to sell their product via 'lectures' but if you find someone with a real enthusiasm for a subject and the skills to transfer that to the audience, it can be awesome. To write every public speaker off as sleep-inducing means you haven't heard a good one yet, and you probably haven't learnt that persistence is worth sticking with. Speakers don't have to be 'sexy' to be good - in my opinion if they are it distracts from what they're saying, so it inherently weakens their delivery. Indiana Jones' classroom in movie 1 shows the effect in action!

    Of the people I've seen, I'd vote for Stephen Hawking and V.S. Ramachandran.

  10. #10
    Black Spiral Dancer's Avatar RedHead Admirer Supreme!
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    Default Re: Do you like watching people speak?

    Quote Originally Posted by dead_but_twitching
    ..... i don't really have a public speaker favorite... although i could probably hear the speech charlie chaplin made in "the dictator" on and on for hours
    One of my secret favourite films.

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